OUR TEAM IS COMPOSED OF LIFE-LONG FRIENDS, all sharing a common underlying feeling: passion for sports and the positive impact it has had in their lives, and how to return the favour by passing this onto others. Fueled by this passion and aware of the potential sports in general can offered people from all walks of life, our ambition is to impact, encourage and drive positive change through new ideas and initiatives, applying those to every problem we see within our area of expertise which we know we can help solve.

For the love of sports and the value
it brings to society

Meet the team


Oliver Warren

Social media marketer with over 7 years experience building personal and business brands within sports at all levels.


Rodney Rapson

Sport enthusiast with a strong background in supporting companies grow their brand


Bernardo Bachino

10+ years of experience within sports marketing and sales, specialized in digital marketing.


Ruben Herrera

Management and communications skills within the sports industry, with high experience in the adoption and implementation of technology in sports.